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We are interested in visions and people who are successful in expanding their ventures.
Wolfgang Schinke  CEO

As consulting engineer for 33 years Wolfgang Schinke stands for professionalism and comittment to ensure that from the first steps in planning - up to the handover of the finished project the best possible solution is achieved in terms of modern technology, sustainable economics and environmental considerations.


His experience with corporations in Europe, the Near and Middle East and Asia enables for solution oriented advisory when it comes to financing when corporations have to scale up.


Solution oriented

At AFI we provide new ways of financing through Financial Advisory. We are banking independent and work with all financial organisations. An In-depth understanding of financing requirements of businesses that need to adjust to market demand is our most important asset. Trust and longtime realationships within our network is what counts.

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Are you looking for a financial consulting or a loan to start your own project?

In case you are looking for a loan in order to start your business extension or major project in a specific industry ask us for

our Financing Guidelines and forms to apply.

Request for information


Please be aware that any presentations, documents or forms have to be sent or completed in English. In case of any legal documentation we need an official certification of the documents.

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